The Post That Almost Wasn’t

1230 rolls around the day my blog is due, with an impending class looming on the horizon at 1300 followed by Dr. Martin’s technical writing class at 1500 and I come to the nauseating realization that my blog has not been written! So, here in a flash are 550 words describing my take on Technical writing from the past two weeks.

We shall begin with the course curriculum. Much of it is still review to what we went over in the Army ACAP (Army Career and Alumni Program). While it would seem boring and tedious to some, I still find it fascinating and learn something new every class even if it is refresher; because let’s face it, the Army will take two weeks of material and force feed them down the throats of the masses in the space of hours. The class seems to be a vast resource of knowledge and as before, Dr. Martin seems to legitimately care about what he teaches and to whom he is teaching. I’m already irritated with driving off campus and having to pay for parking however, this class being in a different building is sort of annoying.

The book is still a little rough around the edges, I need to suck it up and realize it’s for a college level course so it’s going to be a little difficult but there are some parts that they really embellish upon simple ideas and it feels at times like they are just trying to fill space. Don’t get me wrong, it contains a plethora of knowledge on writing resumes and cover letters thus far but just seems to beat around the bush at times with some topics. The section on sentence structure and grammar was a nice review and for the most part I have been keeping up with the reading, if I haven’t been I have been completing it the night I was supposed to have it done at the latest.

Group projects… dun dun dunnnnnn. I don’t know what to think about that. I haven’t had much success with group projects in the past, but then again my experience with group projects has merely consisted of high school and the military so maybe College will be different since people are actually paying to be here. My experience with group projects in the past has been that there are always one person that takes over, one person that doesn’t do any work what so ever, and the rest are simply lemmings. We shall see.

Lucky for me my resume was complete months ago so with the exception of a few minor tweaks here and there it should be far above par for the course. The cover letter on the other hand is another story. I am having trouble getting myself in gear to sit down and write the actual cover letter. It’s not that I enjoy procrastinating, it’s more of the fact that I can’t figure out what exactly to type into the letter. Maybe I’ll get with Noelle (my wife); she may shine some light on this subject. I know once I sit down I’ll get started, fall into my niche, and get rolling along until it’s finished. Until then however I’m going to continue to think about it and that’s probably as far as it’s going to go.

-Charlie Savage

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